Hello there, lovely readers! It’s your favorite food blogger, Sophie, coming at you with a reassuring smile and a handful of flour. The question of the day is: Is bread dough supposed to be sticky?

Let me grab my mixing bowl and favorite wooden spoon (every baker has a favorite, right?) and give you the sticky, I mean nitty gritty. The short answer, my friends, is: yes, it absolutely can be. But don’t worry, it’s not the sticky situation you might think it is.

Now, grab a cup of coffee or tea, sit tight and let me regale you with the spy thriller that is my bread making escapade. Of course, with a little humor, comparisons and a generous dose of bread crumbs. Let’s get this loaf a-rockin’!

So, there I was, apron on, hands on deck. My countertop is looking like a winter wonderland with all that flour, reminiscent of my childhood snowball fights. Like a trusty marble soldier, I was armed with my prime weapons: flour, water, yeast, salt, and of course, my powerful enthusiasm.

My first attempt at bread seemed like a daunting task. Kneading was like arm day at the gym, and I thought I was knee-deep in a dough disaster. My hands were sticking to the dough like a magnet to a fridge, and I was almost ready to call it quits.

But hold your horses, my fellow bread-lovers, this is where it gets interesting. After a bit of research (and several YouTube video binging), I learned the truth about sticky dough. After talking to expert bakers, reading from cooking manuals basically as old as my grandma’s rocking chair, the consensus was clear—sticky might not always be icky!

Now, let’s take a moment to address the elephant in the room. When I say sticky, I don’t mean a dough that is comparable to trying to hold onto a bar of soap in a shower. If the dough sticks to absolutely everything and refuses to form a ball, then you might need to add a little bit more flour. However, relatable to a stubborn toddler, who isn’t ready to give up his favorite toy, or a politician who wouldn’t stop shaking hands at a campaign rally is what we’re aiming for. A gently sticky dough is a happy dough.

Why, you may ask? Remember our little friend gluten? That dear old chum that makes our bread rise and gives it that fantastic texture? Well, hydration, as in water, is key for gluten development and the more water we have, the stickier the dough gets.

Check next: Does Sour Cream Have Gluten?

My eureka moment was when I realized that the dough doesn’t have to be the Sahara desert! It’s not supposed to be as dry as Aunt Patty’s Thanksgiving turkey. No offense Aunt Patty. If you knead that dough with all your love (and a bit of muscle), the stickiness decreases. It’s like that brilliant day in high school when you finally understood algebra, pure magic!

Sticky dough can be a bit intimidating, we’ve all been there. Like trying to navigate your way out of a crowded concert or untangling your headphones after they’ve been in your pocket for two miraculous minutes. But remember, fighting the stick could lead to a dry, tough loaf.

So, my fabulous foodie friends, if the dough’s a bit sticky when you start kneading or mixing, don’t panic. Embrace the stick. Channel your inner possum and play with it. Add flour cautiously, dance with it and remember – the best of life is often messy, and good bread is no exception!

Read more about Can You Eat Avocado with Brown Spots?.

So, there you go, my baking adventure for the day: my love story with sticky dough. Remember to embrace the mess, appreciate the process, and enjoy the scrumptious slice of homemade bread at the end of it all.

Yours in crumbs,


Photo by ☀️Shine_ Photos on Unsplash

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